Tuesday 20 December 2011

Dexter season ender

Dexter Season ender - dexter season comes tumbling to an ender, Dexter is acting like man who's found true love for the first and possibly only time.

My husband even summed up the scene with Dexter and Lumen mapping out their plans with Harrison's toys as "two college students who can't keep their hands off each other studying for finals." The two of them were so coupley they made buying a mother-of-pearl switchblade, snooping around in Quinn's apartment and arranging Jordan Chase's murder seem romantic.

Like Deb said about her spot-on "Barrel Girls Vigilante" theory, "what they're doing takes devotion." And to steal a line from 'Grease,' they do seem hopelessly devoted to each other.
That Dexter has found his "born in blood" soul mate is touching, and considering the themes of this series, actually unexpectedly sweet. But despite the instinct to "awwww" at the sight of Duxter and Lumen cuddling, it's difficult not to cringe, knowing that this is not a show where the protagonist psychopath gets to live happily ever after. This nail-biting episode proved that once again Dexter is thisclose to being caught (of course, he was caught, albeit temporarily, by Stan Liddy).

That Dexter has found his "born in blood" soul mate is touching, and considering the themes of this series, actually unexpectedly sweet. But despite the instinct to "awwww" at the sight of Duxter and Lumen cuddling, it's difficult not to cringe, knowing that this is not a show where the protagonist psychopath gets to live happily ever after. This nail-biting episode proved that once again Dexter is thisclose to being caught (of course, he was caught, albeit temporarily, by Stan Liddy).

Speaking of Liddy, he was the penultimate episode's big kill. It wasn't surprising, considering how much he'd cottoned on to Dexter and Lumen, but the van homicide -- and Quinn's arrival on the scene -- were still heart-thumping. Peter Weller was a memorable scene-stealer as the dirty cop desperate to get back on the force, and his colorful one-liners were right up there with Deb and Masuka's each episode. Now that Dexter has stabbed him to death and let his body to rot in that conversion van, it's inescapable that Quinn will discover the truth about Dexter.

Poor Quinn. His emotional monologue about his love for Debra was so treacly, it felt an awful lot like a farewell speech. When he turned up to meet Liddy, I almost expected Dexter to take him out as well, especially when the blood started dripping out of the van. Luckily for Quinn fans, he'll live to see another (climactic) episode, but all bets are off as to whether he can survive the finale, which will surely be bloody.

Jonny Lee Miller was fantastic in the scene where he shockingly murders Emily -- the only person outside of Lumen and Dexter who knew who he was and what he was capable of doing. It's a shame, because Emily's blind devotion to Jordan (talk about some "serious s--t" between two people) merited some explanation. Jordan may have eliminated the only innocent "witness" to his criminal past, but he is getting sloppy. He's being hunted on two fronts, and Sherlock Holmes-style Debra is so bad-ass she told Jordan to his face that she knew he was involved.

No matter what, it's clear that either Debra or Dexter is bound to end the season with a broken heart (again). If history repeats itself, neither of their love interests has a good chance of surviving next week's episode.

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