Monday 16 January 2012

Govan School Transgender

Govan school transgender - Jaime Love Govan School, +Transgender Teens - Important information for Transgender Teens, Theres little hint of the torment beneath Jamie Loves smiles in these images that capture his childhood.

The sixth-former won his battle to return to school this week, after claims that he was excluded for dressing as a girl. jaime love govan school,  +Transgender Teens - Important information for Transgender Teens,

And now Jamie, 17, has opened his heart to reveal how he turned from an ordinary schoolboy into a proud cross-dresser. glasgow Govan High School ,

At first, he was like any other little boy who loved motorbikes and toy cars. But as he grew older, Jamie began playing with his sister Michaelas Barbie dolls. +Transgender Teens - Important information for Transgender Teens, glasgow Govan High School ,

He also experimented with make-up and he and his six older sisters would give each other makeovers.

Jamie said his life changed for the worse when he went to high school and realised he wasnt like other boys.

He said: I used to kid on that I wasnt well to get out of doing PE, because I felt really uncomfortable about getting changed in front of other boys. Its difficult to explain but I felt I was in the wrong body.

I felt totally out of place like I was neither a boy or a girl and when I looked in the mirror I saw this really ugly boy who was like a stranger to me. +Transgender Teens - Important information for Transgender Teens,

None of the boys liked me because I didnt have anything in common with them, so all my pals were girls.

Jamie finally managed to avoid PE for good after joining the school dance class. transgenger girl scout,

He said: I loved it. I felt totally free and used to dance for the family at weddings.

Jamie decided to come out and dress as a girl in public for the first time on Monday, when he returned to Govan High in Glasgow after the festive break. glasgow Govan High School ,

But his brave move backfired and he was sent home.

He insists it was because of the way he dressed but the school maintain it was because of disruptive behaviour.

Jamie says he isnt gay and has even had five girlfriends.

He said: The relationships only lasted a few weeks each, because we were more like friends and it never worked out.

I broke up with my last girlfriend a few months ago. Were still pals now.

Im not gay and Ive never thought about going out with boys. I need time to just be myself and find out who I really am before I can consider anything like that.

Jamie, from Govan, added: I feel more comfortable as a girl because I was ugly as a boy.

When you are a girl, you can put on make-up and dress up to help make yourself look and feel better.

Ive had abuse from boys in the past calling me a poof and making fun of me but I dont care what they say they wont bring me down.

When I was kicked out of school I felt the whole world was against me but Ive had amazing support from family, friends and school pals.

Now the school are also supporting me. It has all worked out for the best.

Parents Alison, 45, and Frank, 50, are standing by him.

His mum said: Jamie has always been a great kid. I never dreamt that he would want to dress like his sisters.

Ive told him I will support him all the way on this because I love him so much and dont want to lose him.

Alison revealed her only son almost died of septicaemia when he was just weeks old.

She said: He is very precious to me because I nearly lost him once before. It was touch and go and he spent eight weeks in hospital fighting for his wee life.

Jamie is looking forward to next week, when he can return to school dressed as a girl.

He said: Im feeling great and more like myself than Ive ever done because Im free to dress as I want to and express how I feel.

Jamie and his mum have been invited to the school on Monday so a support package can be put together for his return.

A Glasgow City Council spokesman said: If he wants to continue at school, its important that we put measures in place to accommodate his choice of clothing and that he knows what is expected of him.

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