Wednesday 13 June 2012

Beyonce Gained 50 Pounds Pregnancy

Beyonce Gained 50 Pounds Pregnancy - The singer says she gained 50 pounds during her pregnancy – putting on the last 20 during the final month leading up to the delivery – and was determined to bounce back after baby as soon as possible.

“I lost most of my weight from breastfeeding and I encourage women to do it; It’s just so good for the baby and good for yourself,” Knowles, who breastfed Blue for 10 weeks, says. Then, “about a month after” giving birth, the new mom tackled the remaining pounds with a strict diet and exercise routine.

“I counted calories. I worked out maybe three to four times a week,” she shares. “I did a lot of walking in the beginning and now I’m running. But I had to work my way up. I couldn’t just go right from being pregnant to running.”

All the hard work – including “staying away from anything delicious” and no cheat days – has paid off.

“I’m proud that my waist came back so fast. I’m proud of that and happy, but that was mostly from the breastfeeding,” the singer explains.

And not only is Knowles just “three to four pounds” away from her pre-pregnancy weight, but she has also acquired a new softness about her voluptuous body.

“My hormones are still in my body. Your body produces the hormones that make your body soft,” she says. “It’s just magical. It makes me so proud to be a woman because it’s just unexplainable what happens to your body – it’s incredible.”

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