Wednesday 14 December 2011

Michael savage newt

michael savage newt - Conservative talk show host Michael Savage offered GOP Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out of the race.

“The Republican presidential field has come down to two candidates who have a real chance of getting the nomination: Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. While it’s true that Romney is not as strong a conservative as many would like him to be, the most pressing issue before America today is defeating Barack Obama, and that is something Newt Gingrich cannot do,” Savage said on his website Monday in a post written in all capital letters.

According to Savage, Gingrich is unelectable and “will come off badly" in debates against Obama, looking "like nothing more than what he is: a fat, old, white man."
Savage also cited Gingrich's global warming ad with Nancy Pelosi and claimed that Gingrich failed to deliver on his "Contract with America."

"If Newt Gingrich really loves this country as much as he says he does, if he really wants what is best for America, he will set his ego aside, call me, and accept my offer," Savage added.

But Gingrich only has 72 hours to do take Savage up on his offer.

"His continued candidacy spells nothing but ruin for conservatives, Republicans and all true American patriots. One million dollars in exchange for preserving the nation, Newt. I say take the money and don’t run,” Savage adds.

"Breaking: Michael Savage hatches idiotic publicity stunt," tweeted National Review's Jonah Goldberg.

The latest Real Clear Politics average shows Gingrich well in the lead in Iowa at 30.8 percent, 12.6 points ahead of Romney. Nationally, Gingrich leads Romney 32.8 - 20.8.

Given his surge in the polls, it is highly unlikely Gingrich will take Savage up on his offer.

Source: examiner

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